Banner Buitink Technology
We solve it with a flexible lightweight solution!
since 1948

Acoustic solutions

Buitink Technology's acoustic solutions include a range of products and systems designed to address sound problems in a variety of sectors, from public spaces to offices, schools and manufacturing facilities.

The flexibility of our materials allows us to provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each customer. 

With our products and systems, we offer the perfect solution in the areas of:

  • Creating a quiet work environment;
  • Improving acoustics in a public space;
  • Reducing sound transmission between spaces;
  • Reducing noise from machines and other objects.

Our acoustic solutions of flexible material offers the versatility and performance needed for optimal sound control.

Do you have a question or would you like to receive a price indication?

We at Buitink Technology are always ready to help you! Whether you want to know more about our products and services, or need a specific price indication without obligation, simply let us know.

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More information

Buitink Technology is a resourceful company with original ideas and ingenious products. Call Buitink Technology: +31 316 25 08 30, email: [email protected] or leave your contact information:

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